Introducing the

Early Childhood Business

Revenue Roadmap 

Increase Your Revenue By 30% This Fall

6 Weekly Action Plans to

6 Weeks in 6 Days | Back to School Challenge

✨ Feeling overwhelmed with running your summer camp program and now realizing that fall is just around the corner? We are here to help!

Seamlessly organize your early childhood business for year-long success and release the stress of overwhelm.

✨ The EC Business Revenue Roadmap is a challenge designed to help you establish a solid business foundation while streamlining day-to-day operations to achieve your goals and fill your program this fall.

✨ If you’re ready to learn how to implement an EC Business Operations plan you’ll actually use, then don’t put this off — We are ready for you!

I Am Ready to Be Full This Fall
Let us help you control the chaos and get your fall plan in place.
Your preschool, play cafe, enrichment program, or other early childhood business will be ready to be filled with happy families this fall while your revenue jumps by 30%

You can be the CEO, Confident Early Childhood Operator of the business you lead!

Clear the Overwhelm

Start Leading and Stop Managing

Prioritize Profits and Process

When you build an early childhood business without an operations-based foundation of systems and processes, the result can be overwhelming.
Your growth outpaces your ability to keep up, and you’re not able to grow effectively because of it. 

Right now, you might be thinking...

⏱️ “There aren’t enough hours in a day to get everything done let alone create a project plan or set up a social media marketing process.”

🏫“Is my business big enough to even worry about these things?”

🔥“Because the daily fires never seem to stop, I am constantly pulled in a million different directions each day.”

👤“How could I hire and put in the time to train someone new?”

💰“Either I cannot charge enough or parents will not pay what I need to be profitable.”

I’ve heard all of these questions from EC business owners and managers before… I’ve even asked them myself. It may be that over the last couple of years, you’ve been able to duct tape things together, but now it’s time to take back hours in your week to accomplish the “right” tasks.

You can choose to spend your time on the right things or let those little daily fires choose for you.

Kelley Peake

The Back to School Revenue Roadmap Challenge is for you if you’ve felt the frustration of trying to do


Only to sacrifice your time spent on the things you cherish most.

During our 6 days together we will help you decide what are the right things you should choose? We will guide you to:

  • Sharpen your focus with more clarity and confidence on choosing to spend time on the right things to grow the EC business you lead.
  • Build an A+ team from the beginning with a Team Development Plan to support you and give you stability as you grow. Never worry about staffing again — I’ll show you how.
  • Learn to monetize happiness instead of just “marketing.” You are making a difference in the lives of others, learn to use that instead of traditional marketing tactics.
  • Charge what you are worth and know that parents will pay what you need to be profitable.
  • Control the chaos by guarding your time and implementing your operations processes - the secret to living a Time+Freedom lifestyle.
  • Unburden your business and your brain by eliminating, automating, and setting up an operations framework designed for early childhood businesses.

Focus Areas By Week


🌟 Registration

🌟 A.C.E Inquiry System

🌟 Simple Design Tool


🌟 Recruiting & Hiring

🌟 Team Development Plan

🌟 Delegation Ideas


🌟 No School Day Camps

🌟 Social Media

🌟 Website Audit


🌟 Walk your Business

🌟 Enrichment Programs

🌟 Parent Experiences


🌟 Team Building

🌟 Welcome Experience

🌟 Parent Date Night


🌟 Parent Communication

🌟 First Experience

🌟 Operations Framework

I Will Choose How I Spend My Time

What's included?

6 Weekly Action Plans

  • Immediately after signing up, for six days, you will receive a weekly checklist detailing what you need to do to prepare your early childhood business to welcome new families the first week of school. We want to keep this super SIMPLE for you, so we are sending them directly to your inbox.
  • Your first checklist will be applied to the Monday that starts the 6-week countdown to the first day of school. Because we all have different start weeks, choose yours and get started! Use your six weekly checklists to get your early childhood business sparkling and your team ready to welcome those families.
  • Each day of the challenge, you also get a short, motivational video sharing more insights about the week and what to focus on.
  • Everything we teach is based on a SIMPLE framework and will help you create more of a CEO mindset that leads your EC business and not just one who manages it.

What Are You Waiting For?

You have nothing to lose but the uncontrolled chaos, overwhelm, and stress of making sure you are ready to welcome your families this fall.

If you are looking for a bit of support to help you get your preschool, play cafe, enrichment program, or other early childhood business ready with tools and resources, then join us!

We are ready to help you control the chaos and clear the overwhelm as you grow your profitable EC business that makes a difference in the lives of others.